Asparagus Sandwich and a Very ...

Asparagus Sandwich and a Very Cold Beach Breakfast

A few weeks ago I had this strong feeling that I miss the beach too much.

Talking about plans, it does not always help to be well prepared. A few weeks ago I had this strong feeling that I miss the beach too much. I had a friend over in Berlin and I suggested, that we’ll get up at 3 am and drive to a German seaside (3h) for a sunrise and breakfast on a beach. It all worked up so well, at least till we got there. I made delicious sandwiches, she cooked some quail eggs, I brew some strong coffee, had my favourite playlist in the speakers and the drive was awesome. We got to the seaside (which I don’t know at all) and it turned out that parking is not easy at all. We took all the food and coffee and started to walk. It was not warm, but when we entered the beach it was as cold as in the middle of a bad winter. I put my act together and set up a nice picnic scene.

My friend sat on the blanket and told me that it’s so nice to be there. I took about 3 pictures and told her that my hands are red and I can hardly take pictures because of the cold and I think it’s time to go back. She was so excited about this idea, we grabbed everything and had our picnic in a car. Long story short, we spent 5 minutes on a beach after driving in a middle of the night for 3h, but it was fun anyway. Crazy ideas do not always work out, but it’s good to have them.

This sandwich is delicious. It’s all because asparagus is so yummy. The combination is very easy, but this is what I like in a sandwich. Quail eggs make it look special, asparagus make it look delicious and avocado is what I love. You can prepare asparagus as you like most, I prefer it BBQ or fried.

The Recipe


  • 1 baguette
  • 2 avocados
  • salt and pepper
  • chilli flakes
  • quail eggs, cooked
  • asparagus, fried
  • sprouts
  • lemon
Fry your asparagus for a couple of minutes on a bit of an oil and boil the quail eggs. Cut the baguette along. Squashed avocado and add some salt, pepper and the chilli flakes. Mix well and add a splash of lemon for the taste. Spread avocado on baguette and topped with asparagus, eggs and sprouts.

Best, Marta

  • Nic Faust Reply

    Wow. Look very tasty. Thanks for the recipe.

  • I think me and my significant other should go for a picnic like that. It’s a good idea especially now, when it’s warm and sunny in Poland. 🙂 I hope the weather will not change like in your case.As always beautiful and charming photos.

    • What should I eat for breakfas Reply

      I’ve been to Bieszczady and I could picnic there all the time 😀

  • Amazing Pictures! What camera do you use?

    • What should I eat for breakfas Reply

      canon 5d 🙂

  • Anna@ Anna Banana Reply

    Love the moral of the story- crazy ideas don’t always work out, but it’s definitely better to have them, than not! 🙂 and this is one epic looking sandwich Marta!!!

    • What should I eat for breakfas Reply

      crazy may be good 😀

  • mjskit Reply

    There are very few things that I would get up at 3 a.m. to do and going to the beach is not one of them. 🙂 You look cold! Sorry it didn’t work out for y’all but I’m sure you still had a great time and as always, a marvelous breakfast.

    • What should I eat for breakfas Reply

      hahaah, I like to do things like this one. It makes me feel free 🙂

  • kitchenriffs Reply

    Too bad the beach was so cold! At least you had a wonderful picnic to make you feel better. 🙂

    • What should I eat for breakfas Reply

      it was fun, even eating in the car part 😀

  • Cadry Reply

    Oh, my goodness! That’s some serious to commitment to the beach picnic. I’m sorry it didn’t work out, but you have a story to tell. That’s wonderful that you have friends who are game for an adventure. I had a snow picnic last month, and so I know your pain! I always love your picnic shoots. They inspire me!

    • What should I eat for breakfas Reply

      Picnics are the best, it’s so refreshing to pack your food and go somewhere, even better, to look for a perfect spot.

  • Ruth Miranda Reply

    the beach does look cold!! but that sandwich looks very warming 😉

    • What should I eat for breakfas Reply

      super extra cold brrrrrrr

  • Ela - Reply

    Przepiękne zdjęcia. Nie zdawałam sobie sprawy że proste jajko na kanapce możne wyglądać tak pięknie. Masz rację, że szalone pomysły są najlepsze i nie ma tu wielkiego znaczenia, że rzeczywistość wygląda często zupełnie inaczej niż sobie zaplanowałyśmy. Liczy się pomysł, towarzystwo i nutka nieprzewidywalności.

    • What should I eat for breakfas Reply

      Oj tak i nawet jak nie wychodzi to warto 🙂

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