It was a beautiful morning – with a blue sky and a bright sun. Also the temperature went up, what

It was a beautiful morning – with a blue sky and a bright sun. Also the temperature went up, what made me feel that it’s a summertime. As I live in Amsterdam, weather can be tricky and you never know what will happen the next day. Everything together with Tomasz made me feel so optimistic, that I’ve decided to prepare a healthy smoothie. I love fruits and vegetables as well, so let’s mix it.
You will need (for 1 smoothie):
- half a ripe avocado
- half an apple
- 1/3 cup milk (may be soy milk)
- a bit of water
- a bit of sugar to taste
Place all ingredients in blender and blend until smooth. It turned out to be so delicious, that I’ll try to mix vegetables with fruits more often. Maybe I’ll even organize a little vegetable smoothie project.

I’ve left home tooooo early today 🙂 Veggie smoothie project sounds good for a more vegetables consumption home campaign, I’m in!