Cardamom Infused Black Rice Po...

Cardamom Infused Black Rice Porridge with Blueberries and Cherries

You can make a vegan version out of it or add milk or sour cream if you prefer it that way.

We went on the small holiday lately. Parents need a break from time to time. But is holiday with a small kid still a holiday? I’m not sure about it. The coolest thing about everything – Mia had fun. Flying is like a walk in a stroller for her. She falls asleep within 5 minutes (maybe because it was a night flight). She loves the mountains and sheep. It was so much fun to watch her discovering new things. But what she loves most is grass. She’s collecting it whenever she has a chance. Have you guys been to polish mountains? It is a magical place, truly beautiful. We went for a couple of walks and we stopped over in a small hut where they make oscypek – delicious cheese, we watched sheep walking lazily around a hill. I miss these views and flavors already. But being back home is good as well. It is so comforting to know where your diapers are, hahaha.

But going back to my holiday. We stopped in Krakau for a couple of days. Tomasz had his things to do, so I took Mia and we went to see a dragon (there is one and it breathes fire), castle and many other spots which are a must in Krakau. I used to travel a lot when there were just us two – me and Tomasz and I thought that traveling with kid won’t be the same. It is different for sure, but I still managed to do all the things I used to. We were walking around for whole days, we managed to meet with friends for a dinner and drink Prosecco in a sun, sitting outside of a trendy cafe. I had so much fun. And in the evening we were reading books with Mia and she fell asleep between us. Of course she kicked my face a couple of times during a night, you know, my kid is moving around like needle from a watch. But I walked up in the morning and she was sleeping and hugging me. This is one of the most beautiful things in the world. Now I want more. I want to show the whole world to my girl.

And I need to tell you something! Mia has two teeth! Just like this. No crying, no cheeks on fire, no drooling. She walked up one morning and she smiled with two teeth. How crazy awesome is this!

A good thing about going back home was that an amazing present was waiting for me. A book by Maria Specek “Simply ancient grains”. I tried out the first recipe that caught my eye – cardamom infused black rice porridge with blueberries. Guys, it’s sooooo gooooddddddd! The whole book is amazing, so check it out if you have a chance. You can make a vegan version out of it or add milk or sour cream if you prefer it that way.

You will need:

  • ¾ cup blac rice
  • ½ tsp + ½ tsp cardamom
  • 1 ½ cup boiling water
  • ½ cup thick sour cream or rice milk
  • 3 tbsp agave syrup
  • ½ cup blueberries
  • ½ cup cherries without seeds
  • hemp seeds
  • coconut flakes
  • fresh mint

You need to start a peparation the night before. Place rice in a pot, add ½ tsp of cardamom (or two cardamom pods) and pour boiling water over it. Leave it like this for a night.

In the morning add ½ cup thick sour cream (or yogurt or rice milk), agave syrup and more cardamom, cover and bring to boil over a medium heat. Uncover, decrease the heat and simmer for about 7 minutes, stirring from time to time, you want it to be tender. Then add blueberries and cherries and cook for one more minute.

Serve with hemp seeds, coconut, few mint leaves and a nice spoon of yogurt.

Enjoy, Marta

  • mjskit Reply

    You pictures are always lovely but I especially love the pictures of you and your beautiful young family. Thanks for sharing those and thanks for sharing this amazing recipe! I have a jar of black rice i the pantry just waiting for a purpose. Yay! Can’t wait to make this!

  • Steve Heikkila Reply

    Oh my God Marta. this is brilliant. Love the deep dark hues. I bet it’s delicious. I’m swiping your recipe, which is assume is cool since you published it and all…

  • Ellie | from scratch, mostly Reply

    Awwww what a delight to finally see Mia!!!! And wow. What a blessed momma you are for Mia’s teeth just poking through–she’s like, no big deal, mommy! xP

    • What should I eat for breakfas Reply

      I feel blessed. I have few friends going through teething and I was sure that it will be much bigger deal 🙂 But Mia is the girl, strong and happy 🙂

  • The Wisch List Reply

    I’ve just discovered your site and think its simply beautiful. Thanks for sharing this dish. Will definitely give it a go.

    • What should I eat for breakfas Reply

      Thank you for kind words 🙂 I hope you’ll like it.

  • kitchenriffs Reply

    Great pictures! And such a lovely dish — thanks.

    • What should I eat for breakfas Reply

      Thank you 🙂

  • Tutti Dolci Reply

    So gorgeous, I love the cardamom infusion. Lovely photos from your holiday!

    • What should I eat for breakfas Reply

      Thank you!

  • Abby | Lace & Lilacs Reply

    Oh, Mia has gotten so big already! What a sweetie she is. :)All of the photos are STUNNING, Marta. Lovely post, as always. xo

    • What should I eat for breakfas Reply

      Thank you Abby. She is so big indeed. I miss her being tiny. She was such a sweet little thing 🙂

  • cynthia Reply

    This post makes me so happy in so many ways! Yay for Mia’s baby teeth and traveling like a champ, and yay for all these gorgeous photos of her and you three! I never thought I’d find photos I liked more than your stunning food (this amazing black porridge included) but catching glimpses of your happy family gives them a run for their money 😀 This porridge sounds and looks phenomenal. Thank you for sharing these moments with us!

    • What should I eat for breakfas Reply

      Oh Cynthia thank you! It’s so nice to read such an amazing comment. Big big kiss to you :*

  • Hannah | The Swirling Spoon Reply

    These pictures are so lovely! What a sweet family you have!! I’m so glad you enjoyed your holiday, Marta! It looks like a beautiful part of the world x

    • What should I eat for breakfas Reply

      Thank you Hannah 🙂 It was beautiful indeed. I a not sure if holiday with a small kid are holiday, but we had fun 🙂

  • Warm Vanilla Sugar Reply

    Such a delicious looking breakfast. I love black rice and having it for breakfast so I will need to make this soon!

    • What should I eat for breakfas Reply

      Thank you so much, it is a special breakfast but will make a delicious dessert as well 🙂

  • Sarmishta Pantham Reply

    Delicious! I will be doing this tomorrow 🙂 Lovely pictures as well- beautiful places, thanks for sharing!

    • What should I eat for breakfas Reply

      I hope you’ll like it as much as we did. I made it few times already 😀

  • Rosa Reply

    Wonderful pictures and gorgeous dessert!Cheers,Rosa

    • What should I eat for breakfas Reply

      Thank you Rosa.

  • valentina | sweet kabocha Reply

    I love it! i made something similar with black rice (in Italian we call it “riso Venere”, literally Venus rice!) and coconut milk, so delicious ^_^
    Ps : i love your photos <3

    • What should I eat for breakfas Reply

      Thank you! You’re so sweet. And I love the name “riso Venere” 🙂

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