Eggs Benedict

Eggs Benedict

It took me a few attempts to make eggs Benedict and that’s  probably why it took me so long to write about it. My

It took me a few attempts to make eggs Benedict and that’s  probably why it took me so long to write about it. My first and successful try with poached eggs was a couple of months ago, when I’ve made the porridge with a poached egg and that was it. Next ones were not as successful. But then my friend Krysia told me, that you need to add 1 tablespoon of vinegar and ½ tablespoon of salt to the boiling water and then, just before adding the egg, you need to stir the water.

When you already know how to make the poached egg, fry some bacon and a handful of a spinach, put it all on a toasted slice of a bread, add the egg and top with a hollandaise sauce and a pinch of cayenne pepper.

Enjoy, Marta

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