English Berry Bread Pudding ov...

English Berry Bread Pudding over a Lake

Backstage about this picture was, that I had everything figured out, all the frames. But then it turned out that it freaked me a bit to walk on this fallen tree, especially most of it was in the lake.

English berry pudding is one of my delicious failures and this is also a reason why I share it. Things do not have to be perfect, as long as they are delicious. I made it twice in hope that it will turn out well (bread will soak juice and look all pinkish). It didn’t, but both times we ate it all with a pleasure. This is what I do – try and try and try. I blame the bread, maybe it wasn’t the best choice.

This time I organised a girls early morning out. Yes, it is a thing. My friend came over to chill and I could not imagine to do it in the most perfect place like over a lake. Maybe the timing was not perfect (5am), but hey, she said yes. When we arrived a fog was covering the lake. It looked slightly like a scene from a horror movie, but was also beautiful. Jula took her part very seriously, kept walking on a fallen tree, was drinking hot cocoa and eating so I can photograph it. True friends are worth more than diamonds.

The only thing about starting so early is that you come back home minutes before your kid wakes up…

Backstage about this picture was, that I had everything figured out, all the frames. But then it turned out that it freaked me a bit to walk on this fallen tree, especially most of it was in the lake. You have to do what you have to do, so I took pictures mostly from a distance.

I was introduced to this berry pudding by Miss Food Wise and I am sure hers soaked much better. One day mine will soak well as well. Till then I’ll enjoy this delicious failure.

The Recipe

YOU WILL NEED (for 6):

  • 250g berries (raspberries, blueberries and strawberries), more to decor
  • 2 tbsp sugar
  • ¾ cup red currant juice
  • 2 tbsp corn starch
  • 6 big slices of white bread
  • whipped cream for serving
It is soooooo easy to make. Cut out a bread crust and place each slice in a hole of a muffin baking pan (you need 6 holes).

Place ½ fruits in a pot (if strawberries are big, cut them in half), add juice, sugar and start to cook. When it gets soft, smash it with a fork. Add cornstarch mixed with a bit of cold water and mix it all. Add the rest of fruits, cook for about 2 minutes and it’s ready.

Fill each bread hole with hot berries. Let it cool and place in a fridge overnight. In the morning your breakfast is ready. Just add some whipped cream and fresh fruits.

Enjoy, Marta
  • Nice post. The pictures you have captured from the top are quite balanced and pretty. Would the pudding be different with brown bread?

    • What should I eat for breakfas Reply

      I think it will 🙂

  • Tutti Dolci Reply

    So pretty dear! The lake is so scenic and your “failure” looks delicious! 🙂

    • What should I eat for breakfas Reply

      It really was, sometimes failures are the best 😀

  • Angie@Angie's Recipes Reply

    Beautiful photography, Marta. I admire your passion..the bread pudding looks very delicious!

    • What should I eat for breakfas Reply

      Thank you so much!

  • Finja Reply

    Thanks for leaving a comment on my blog, happy to return! 🙂 Your blog truly looks amazing!!:) And I hope you take a moment, and appreciate how far you’ve come with your photography —- it’s soo soo so beautiful! Go girl! 🙂 Just had my berries for breakfast here on this end. Have a lovely and sunny weekend!
    love from london,
    Finja ~ http://www.effcaa.com

    • What should I eat for breakfas Reply

      Thank you Finja <3

  • Ruth Miranda Reply

    Can I have this for dessert? I would have this or dessert anytime. I think it doesn’t look like a failure, it looks rather dramatic and pretty, and really really appetizing!!

    • What should I eat for breakfas Reply

      Of course you can <3 And thank you! It is so good, I just wanted to share it 😀

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