Flammkuchen with Pesto and Tom...

Flammkuchen with Pesto and Tomatos

You want to try it and when you do, you’ll love me.

This is a special recipe and it’s just for you. You can try to share it, but this flammkuchen is so small that you’ll end up hungry. You can always double the ingredients, but if you get up in the morning and you feel like having something delicious and enjoy your morning just by yourself, this is for you. You want to try it and when you do, you’ll love me. Yes, I mainly develop recipes to share love and to make everyone around the world to love me! Love love love.

I did so many crazy things lately that I don’t know what to start with. It looks like my life is changing on everyday basis. I wake up in the morning, say hi to Mia and then we start a day and even though we’re together all the time I manage to work and make projects and have all the adventures. Why I write about it? Because I thought that it’s hard, that I miss on things because I have this super awesome girl and I choose her over other things. But today I met with a friend and she told me that from her perspective it looks completely different. It’s good looking at ourselves with someone else eyes. It’s refreshing. Thank you Marta and for you guys, enjoy your day!

You will need for a dough (1 big or 2 smaller):

  • 2/3 cup flour (100g)
  • 1 tbsp olive oil
  • ¼ cup of water
  • pinch of salt

For a topping:

  • green pesto
  • 1 egg
  • small tomatoes (cherry tomatoes)
  • chives

Heat an oven to 250*C and prepare the dough. In a bowl mix all the ingredients – water, flour, salt, oliva oil and knead it for about 5 minutes. Roll the dough well, you want it to be thin, otherwise it won’t have this nice breakable texture. Place dough on a baking paper on a HOT tray.

Spread pesto over your dough, crack an egg and place small tomatos cut in half. Bake for about 10 minutes.

Eat hot with chives on top.

Enjoy, Marta

  • kitchenriffs Reply

    Lovely dish! I’ve been traveling, so I’ve missed reading your blog, and seeing your wonderful pictures. This looks great — thanks.

    • What should I eat for breakfas Reply

      Thank you <3

  • Ashlae W. Reply

    Love this delicious recipe, lady. I have five pounds of tomatoes in the kitchen, right now.. so I think I know what I’m making for lunch today. <3 And yeah, it’s definitely refreshing to see ourselves through someone else’s eyes. Big hugs to you and the little lady.

    • What should I eat for breakfas Reply

      Go girl! I hope you’ve tried it 🙂 I had it like 10 times, ups.

  • Tutti Dolci Reply

    Love this savory flammkuchen, the toppings are perfect!

    • What should I eat for breakfas Reply

      Thank you! <3

  • Mareen Reply

    i love flammkuchen and it is my go to dish if i have no clue what to cook for dinner. just had one with pumpkin and red onions yesterday. it was amazing. yours looks very tasty as well. definitely going to try this combo soon.
    thanks for sharing.

    • What should I eat for breakfas Reply

      I hope you’ll like it 🙂 It’s so easy, that it would be a petty not to try.

  • Food, pleasure, and health Reply

    i have been so busy lately,,i really need to take time off and make delicious recipes like this and enjoy it with bottomless tea.

    • What should I eat for breakfas Reply

      It’s worth it. But I get you, I was so busy lately that I don’t even know when the time passes.

  • It looks ever so pretty and delicious! A wonderful Flammkuchen.Cheers,Rosa

    • What should I eat for breakfas Reply

      Thank you sweet Rosa

  • Warm Vanilla Sugar Reply

    I’m imagining eating this for every meal and it’s making my extremely hungry!! Yum!

    • What should I eat for breakfas Reply

      hahaha, it is a good idea 😀

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