French Toasts with Fruits

French Toasts with Fruits

Days go by too fast. I’ve been in polish mountains for a while now and I slowly start to feel

Days go by too fast. I’ve been in polish mountains for a while now and I slowly start to feel here like at home. I have a bench in front of my house, that i covered with a green blanket and a lady from a store next by gave me an old wooden box. I use it as a table. Each morning I get up quite early, I sit in front of my house and watch the Tatra mountains with a cup of coffee in my hands. And my life could look like this forever. All by myself.

Sometimes my friends tell me that they do something quick for a breakfast, because as long as they eat it alone, they don’t feel like something complicated.

Well, a good breakfast does not have to be complicated. Take for example french toast – there’s hardly anything easier. Just a few slices of bread, it doesn’t even have to be a fresh one, egg, milk, cinnamon and fruits. Apparently Belgians use 3-4 days old bread, not to waste it. The egg mixture will make it soft again.

Personally, I prefer them with “chałka”. This is one of many products I associate not only with my youth days but also with Poland. It reminds brioche a bit, but still, has an original taste. 

You will need (for 1 person):

  • 2 slices of bread
  • egg
  • 3 tbsp milk
  • tsp cinnamon
  • butter
  • fruit (such as strawberries, grapes, kiwi, banana)

In a deep plate mix the egg, milk and cinnamon. In frying pan heat one spoon of butter. Each slice of bread cover with the egg mixture, then transfer it on a pan and fry over a medium heat until golden brown

Serve it with the pieces of fruits, teaspoon of butter and a wipped cream. You can also add a bit of honey or a maple syrup.

Enjoy, Marta

  • Mervi Emilia Reply

    This looks so yummy. I go nuts (heh) with anything including fresh berries and fruits.

  • Tomasz Reply

    I want my wife back, and the breakfasts!

  • What should I eat for breakfas Reply

  • Kasia Reply

    You really make me wanna go to this cabin – after you left 😉 – all by myself!

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