Juicy Oranges with Pistachios,...

Juicy Oranges with Pistachios, Granola and Yogurt

One of advantages of temporarily living in California is an unlimited access to California oranges. Since 6 weeks T, squeezed


One of advantages of temporarily living in California is an unlimited access to California oranges. Since 6 weeks T, squeezed pounds of them and Iโ€™m trying to add it to almost each meal. As you all know oranges contain a large dose of vitamin C, so itโ€™s all about health, not this amazing juicy and refreshing taste.

But life likes to play tricks on us from time to time and despite the excess of vitamin C in my body I caught a cold. The fact that I run 6 km in a rain, in an evening with a fair wind around, could have had a tiny impact on the whole situation. When me and Mr T. made it to the ocean we were tired and wet but happy. 5 minutes later we were freezing and not that happy anymore. We could only think and talk about how to get something dry to wear and hot to drink. So, I have a cold. Itโ€™s not fun at all as weโ€™ve got only 2 weeks in San Francisco left. My heart and stomach demand oranges, so starting from the early morning hours, I eat them.


You will need (for 2 servings):

  • 1 california orange (ok, not necessarily california one)
  • 1 blood orange
  • 2 tbsp pistachios
  • 2 tbsp pumpkin seeds
  • 50g granola
  • 1 tbsp honey
  • ยฝ cup natural yogurt

Recipe is not complicated at all. The only thing you need to prepare are roasted pistachios and pumpkin seeds. To do so heat the oven and roast them for about 5 minutes with a bit of an olive oil. Cut the oranges, spread with granola, pistachios and the pumpkin seeds, add a little bit of honey and yogurt and itโ€™s ready. 

Enjoy, Marta

  • Julia@JuliasAlbum.com Reply

    Your photography is just gorgeous! Pinning!

    • What should I eat for breakfas Reply

      Thank you! ๐Ÿ™‚

  • Lokness @ The Missing Lokness Reply

    This looks gorgeous! Fresh and healthy. Love your photos! They are all beautiful.

  • Emma Reply

    This looks amazing!

  • Iron Chef Shellie Reply

    Absolutely stunning photos!! I think about about to start a granola obsessionโ€ฆ I made an awesome one last weekend and need more!

  • Mamatkamal Reply

    Such lovely photos! I love oranges and now you make me love them more! As your question regarding Date/Almond Glaze, it is for spreading over cakes, cup cakes, cookies, ice-cream, etcโ€ฆ there is also a popular Moroccan tagine with this glaze that I posted recently on my page facebook, but not yet on my blog. Have a lovely day. Cheers

  • mjskit Reply

    What a healthy and absolutely delicious little breakfast! This is the type of breakfast I love as the weather starts getting warmer โ€“ lighter and cooler. Gorgeous pictures!

  • kitchenriffs Reply

    Lovely pictures! I hope you get well soon โ€“ being sick is never fun.

  • Reeni Reply

    Such gorgeous photos and oranges! Feel better soon Marta!

  • Suzanne Reply

    Running in the rain and then getting cold is a recipe for disaster even if you are really healthy. Hopefully, all that Vitamin C will reduce the length of your cold. Love the photos.

  • gardentowok Reply

    Beautiful presentation, love blood oranges. Hope you get over your cold real fast.

  • yummychunklet Reply

    Those oranges look very juicy!

  • Kate Moran Reply

    Beautiful photos and such wonderful ingredients. As healthy as it is gorgeous!

  • Minnie Gupta Reply

    The pictures are beautiful. What a healthy way to start the day! Hope you get over from your cold very very soon ๐Ÿ™‚ Enjoy your rest of the stay in SF ๐Ÿ™‚

  • Tutti Dolci Reply

    What a lovely breakfast, the citrus is perfect here!

  • Erin @ Texanerin Baking Reply

    Oh no, Marta! Iโ€™m so sorry that you have a cold. Cold season should be long over. ๐Ÿ™ But good for you two for trying to be healthy with the jogging thing! Enjoy your fill of oranges. Iโ€™m pretty confident that theyโ€™re better than what weโ€™ve got over here. Enjoy the rest of your time over there! And eats lots of yummy food for me. ๐Ÿ™‚ And this fruit dish looks so refreshing!

  • Kankana Reply

    I hope you feel better soon and enjoy the citrusy bite while you can ๐Ÿ™‚

  • Kristi Rimkus Reply

    Not fun โ€“ I hope youโ€™re on the mend now. I received a few blood oranges in my csa and love them. They have such a fantastic color, donโ€™t they?

  • Susan Reply

    This. Is. Gorgeous. Your fantastic shots highlight a fabulous recipe.

  • Tandy Sinclair Reply

    this sounds so good! Hope you are feeling better by now ๐Ÿ™‚

  • Rosa Reply

    That is a heavenly breakfast treat! Healthy and delightfully citrusy.Cheers,Rosa

  • Katerina Reply

    This is the perfect way to start your day! Yogurt is one of the best substances for the body!

  • Nadia@loveliveandgarden.com Reply

    I love your pictures. They are always so amazing. Hope you feel better soon. By the way, my 9 year old daughter always has trouble deciding what to eat for breakfast so I showed her your blog and she loved it ๐Ÿ™‚

  • Alicia@ eco friendly homemakin Reply

    This looks so delicious and very healthy. I really love blood oranges!!

  • Dawn Reply

    Wow, this looks so healthy. I would love this for breakfast or anytime of the day. I hope your cold get better soon and that you have a great rest of your stay in California.

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