Living by the Ocean

Living by the Ocean

Dream in a post

In 2017th I realised that there’s not much time left to make my dreams come true. The real dreams, which I had for years. We all have them and somehow we push them away, because we still have so much time for all of these. Well, I don’t. I am way closer to 40 than 30 and in a few years I’ll be in a school obligation circle, which means… you know what it means, I pretend I don’t :).

My list is not so long, as I have the same ones for years. One of them was to live somewhere in a hut far away from civilisation with an ocean view. I realised, that living in front of the ocean does not mean, that I have to move my life somewhere else. I can go there just for some time. We sat in front of the computer and started to look. Somehow it was obvious, that it will be Portugal, as I love this country. I also fell in love with the northern part of the country, so my search became easier and easier. At some point, totally by accident, I found a Luis’ house. I saw the first picture, which showed the front of the house and the distance from the ocean and that was it! Why? Because the beach was the garden. I was just crossing my fingers for a reasonable kitchen and it definitely was.

We came around midnight, it was raining like crazy, the wind was hitting the windows and I could not be happier. This is what I used to imagine – us sitting next to a fireplace, while the storm gets wild behind windows. It may be a strange vision, but had you ever experienced it? Wow! It looks amazing!

The next morning we woke up to the most amazing view behind our window and that was the moment when I felt pure happiness. That was it. I am living next to the ocean, I can look at it while I brush my teeth and while I eat a sandwich.

The weather did not spoil us, it’s raining a lot, but… after a rain rainbow comes. Or at least the sun. Whenever it stops, we get wild. I don’t think I ever spent so much time on a beach. We go for walks in a morning, we search for stones, or sticks, or monsters or we just try to stop Mia from running into the water.

Here is what I learned from my dream coming true:

– it was way easier than I expected,

– it was way cheaper than I expected,

– I was waiting too long,

– I love the ocean and I know that I can live far away land (away from people and big city),

– I love waking up to an ocean view,

– my kid is way braver than I am, as she puts on her bikini with 8*C outside and runs on a beach,

– it is truly beautiful to wake up and fall asleep to the sound of the ocean,

– it’s never boring,

– after two weeks I am even more shocked with a beauty of the ocean,

If you feel like having a break, this is the most perfect place for you. Luis’ house is an extraordinary place.

– I think I got addicted to the ocean,

  • C Pizzle Reply

    would love to know what camera and lens you’re using *_*

  • KarmieCie Reply

    I notice that recently I mostly open your posts to get “life inspired”, not “recipe inspired” ;). Your words go directly to the heart and it is all so OMG great 😉 Thanks!

  • Monika Rząca Reply

    Marta jesteś inspiracją <3

  • Hampton SC Reply

    Of course, with My age it was now or never.
    What a wonderful thing and what luck that your husband and you agree in this way to take the time to live intensely with your daughter! I chose a bad husband! 😉

  • kitchenriffs Reply

    Love the ocean! I’m a city person, but loving vacationing near it. You found such a winner of a place! Glad you found it. 🙂

  • Sasha Swerdloff Reply

    Love how you made your dream come true! You’re such an inspiration. Anders and I may need to actually ditch this city life sooner rather than later. Also, we may be headed to Portugal in the fall for another yoga retreat and you just made me excited about the scenery. XO

  • Słomka - Travelslow Reply

    Ten domek jest niesamowity! Zapisuję do zakładki, bo takie mieszkanie tuż nad oceanem marzy się i mi… Fajnie jest realizować swoje marzenia i dokładnie rozumiem, jak piszesz, że po dwóch tygodniach widok oceanu zachwyca Cię jeszcze bardziej… Ja w ramach spełniania marzeń przeprowadziłam się w lutym na dwa miesiące do Gdyni, na spacerze po plaży/deptaku/lesie jestem codziennie i codziennie nie mogę przejsć obojętnie obok tego piękna, które tutaj spotykam 🙂

  • Reply

    Znalazłaś chyba najpiękniejsze miejsce jakie można sobie wymarzyć żeby pomieszkać nad oceanem. Masz rację, że marzenia są po to żeby je spełniać. Uwielbiam szum fal i taki swobodny relaks na plaży, marzy mi się wyjazd nad ocean we wrześniu kiedy ruch turystyczny jest o wiele mniejszy a jeszcze jest bardzo ciepło. Tym razem będę musiała odczekać jeszcze trochę z wyjazdem ze względu na większą obecność jodu w powietrzu 🙁

  • Ruth Miranda Reply

    I’ve lived close to the sea for most of my life, even my summer home is at a beachside village. THe only time I was far from the ocean was when I was living in Manchester area, the countryside, but that was my biggest pipe dream ever: to live in the british countryside. It is true that we do push away dreams to another time, a better time, I did that for so many years, it got to a point I didn’t even remember certain things had been dreams of mine for so long. I remember being 36, 37 and telling people I don’t have dreams, and back then I did not have dreams, at all. I lived from moment to moment, I had to, or I would have gone mad. Having dreams I knew at the time were impossible to achieve would have broken me irredeemably, so I chose to not have dreams back then. Now, almost ten years later, I have many dreams, some have been fulfilled, some I am working hard on, some are really just dreams that I know won’t come true – and that is the beauty of them, we all need dreams that we know won’t materialise, they’re real dreams those, not achievable goals eheh. I always find it so amazing when someone says they love my country, not that it is not a lovely place, but being portuguese and knowing how things stand here, and having witnessed so many of mine own leave this place for others, searching for a better life and a future, I find it funny.

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