Red Breakfast

Red Breakfast

There’s one thing you should know about me – I like to make crepes.

Today I’d like to start a rainbow week. Why? Because it’s grey in Berlin and because I saw a cool cartoon with rainbow with Mia and I realised that there are seven colours in the rainbow (yes, I did not think of it ever before in my life). Let’s start with red like tomatoes.

There’s one thing you should know about me – I like to make crepes. It’s kind of meditation for me, I know the dough recipe by heart and whenever Mia asks for some, I just do it. That’s why we start with crepes, as it’s easy. I fried a few, cut out round shapes, put the avocado paste, bacon, spinach and tomatoes on it and it looks red when you look at it from a top 😀 It also it a kind of a BLT, just slightly different.

Did you ever have a situation when you made like 20 crepes in a morning and your lucky, oh so lucky family had it all and did not leave even one for you? It does happen in my home and it does not make me super happy. In this recipe you have a crep scraps, which are only for you!



  • 1 cup flour
  • 1 cup milk
  • 2/3 cup water
  • 2 eggs
  • Pinch of salt
  • 3 tbsp olive oil


  • 1 avocado, smashed
  • lemon juice, to sprinkle avocado
  • bacon, fried
  • baby spinach
  • Juicy tomatoes :D, this is your main colour
  • Pinch of saltand pepper
Place all the ingredients in a bowl and mix it well. Fry over a medium heat. There’s oil in the dough already, so you don’t need to use any oil for frying. Let the crepes fry well, so it will disconnect from a pan itself, then turn it on the other side.

Build a tower out of crepes. Start like this: crepe – smashed avocado paste – crepe – bacon – crepe – spinach leaves – crepe – tomatoes-salt and pepper.

To make mini portiones, use a cookie shape cutter to cut out shapes.

Ta dam!

Enjoy, Marta

  • Ela - Reply

    Twoje naleśniki są cudnie kolorowe. Dają tyle pozytywnej energii na nowy dzień. To trochę dziwne ale naleśniki robiłam zawsze na kolacje, kiedy wszyscy zbierali się w domu, a przy stole zaczynał panować przyjemny gwar. Chyba muszę zrobić naleśniki na niedzielne śniadania.

    • What should I eat for breakfas Reply

      Ja też robię na kolacje, Mia je uwielbia i wiem, że na pewno zje 🙂 Tylko fotografować trudniej bo tak ciemno.

  • Ruth Miranda Reply

    I am not a fan of crepes, or pancakes for that matter, but the striking colours of this dish had me salivating, how weird is that?? Might have to try a take on this – but not for breakfast, for dinner!

    • What should I eat for breakfas Reply

      It would make an awesome dinner as well 😀

  • Annie Reply

    A rainbow week sounds like so much fun! Think it’ll really inspire my breakfasts

    • What should I eat for breakfas Reply

      You are so sweet, thank you <3

  • Tutti Dolci Reply

    So beautiful, a rainbow week sounds perfect to me! 🙂

    • What should I eat for breakfas Reply

      Thank you so much! It was fun! And I also learned a thing or two about myself.

  • Food, pleasure, and health Reply

    love the idea of rainbow breakfast…why have i not tried your crepe recipe? thats going to change NOW.

    • What should I eat for breakfas Reply

      hahaha, I make it at least once per week, but usually more often as my little girl keeps asking for “sniki” which for her is crepes 😀

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