The Easiest Baked Oats with Fr...

The Easiest Baked Oats with Fruits Ever!

Just a few ingredients and sensational flavours guaranteed.

This is a very interesting recipe. Mostly because it is delicious, but also super easy to prepare and you don’t need many ingredients. Baked oats are not a sensation on a breakfast market, but they are easily overlooked. It’s like a fresh bread with butter and scrambled eggs. We know it’s good, but we had it so many times already, that we look for something new and interesting. 

The original recipe comes from Kwestia Smaku, I found it by accident and decided to check it out. If you feel like something a bit more complicated, check out my oats with banana and  strawberries baked in a hazelnut chai milk or rhubarb and strawberries baked with oats.


You will need (for 2 people):

  • 2 cups oats
  • 2 tbsp lemon juice
  • 4 tbsp coconut oil
  • 500g fruits
  • 1/2 cup maple syrup or agave syrup
Heat your oven to 200*C.

Place your fruits, whatever fruits you have on hands in a baking dish. Pour 1/4 cup of the syrup on it.

Place oats with the rest of the maple syrup, lemon juice and liquid coconut oil in a blender. Mix it just a bit, a few rounds.

Place oats over the fruits. You can sprinkle it with nuts or coconut flakes. But it is not necessary, the recipe is delicious just like it is.

Bake for 25 minutes, but check the oven after 20. We all have different ovens, maybe yours work faster than mine.

Eat still hot, or cold. Both ways are delicious. I had mine with ice creams the other day, because why not.

Enjoy, Marta
  • It looks delicious

  • Ruth Miranda Reply

    it really looks delicious!!!

    • Marta (What for breakfast) Reply

      I love this recipe, too easy not to try

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