The Most Amazing Sandwich R...

The Most Amazing Sandwich – Turkey with Blue Cheese, Sweet Plum Compote and Some More

One of the best sandwiches I had for a long time 😀

I am not being original, yet again, but I love 60’s. The Beatles almost got me killed because I swear that my parents were on the edge when I was listening to their songs each day for years. They used to love them as well, more, they introduced them to me, but at some point they ended up in a love-hate relationship. Well, Let it be. Jimi Hendrix, Janis Joplin, Joe Cocker. I spent many days and nights with them. These were mostly cassettes, but vinyls as well. I miss these nights when I was trying to understand each lyric and each word. There was no internet with google translator at the time, so I was sitting with a huge dictionary. In the end it helped me to improve my English a lot and it opened my eyes to many issues. It also gave me some crazy emotional ideas like cutting my banks in a middle of the night (yep, teenagers are slightly emotional). My parents had quite an adventure with me when I became a hippie in the age of hip hop. They did not approve and I did not approve their disapproval. Crazy days.

Musik gave me so much in my life. It still gives me a lot. It influences me, makes me happy when I’m sad, helps to understand. I’ve been a busy bee for the past few months, as you could notice on my blog, I didn’t write here so often. Last week I decided to go home and rest. Most probably because Tomasz was in Milan, Mia’s kindergarten had a 3 day break and I convinced myself that Mia hasn’t seen grandparents for far too long. The truth is that I needed to meet with my friends. I still have a few in Warsaw. A few very special people. So I packed and drove. I met with one of them, the other joined and I got all the crazy inspirations at once. I wanted to cook, taste, experiment. It’s been like I’ve just started blogging, all this excitement and possibilities. Joanna is very easy going so when I totally changed her meal plan for our evening, she didn’t mind. And we did what you can see today. And it was delicious! She had three of these sandwiches 😀 I left totally relaxed and so happy that I totally over tipped a taxi driver.

To make this story shorter and explain myself a bit, I came back Berlin after 2,5 day and I was like a newborn. The first thing I did was playing Joe Cocker song “With a little help from my friends”. Yet again, this text is so true. It’s all so easy, but we have a tendency to underestimate a power of friendship and good tunes.

Now fingers crossed that Tomasz and Mia won’t end up having a “love/hate” relationship with Joe Cocker, as the whole machine has started, yet again.

You will need for a plum compote:

  • 300g plums,drilled
  • 3 tbsp honey
  • ½ cup orange juice
  • 1 tsp corn starch

Start with a compote. Place drilled plums, honey and orange juice in a pot and cook over a medium heat for few minutes. When the plums start to soften, add corn stretch and mix with a wooden spoon. Let it cool down a bit.

You will need for sandwiches:

  • 3 bread rolls
  • 2 tbsp butter
  • blue cheese
  • 1 turkey breast
  • ½ tsp dried thyme
  • pinch of freshly ground pepper
  • ½ tsp curry powder
  • pinch of salt
  • black sesame (optional)
  • arugula or fresh mint

Cut bread rolls in half and brush with butter. Bake in 200*C for about 10 minutes, so it gets golden. Meantime heat a pan with a tablespoon of oil over a medium head. Cut the chicken breast in a small pieces, add spices – thyme, pepper, curry powder and salt. Mix well and fry. In the end add a bit of water to the pan so turkey won’t get dry.

Serve toasts with turkey, pieces of blue cheese, arugula or mint, plums and black sesame seeds.

Enjoy, Marta

  • Sabrina Russo Reply

    Wow, this sandwich looks and sounds incredible!

    • What should I eat for breakfas Reply

      Thank you so much!

  • Claudia Bot Reply

    I love the magical atmosphere you create in your gorgeous photographies . Where did you get those rustic dark grey plates? I really love them!

    • What should I eat for breakfas Reply

      In a small ceramic studio in Berlin, it’s all handmade 🙂

  • Anna Dachowska Reply

    Cześć! 🙂
    Chciałam interweniować, ale nie mogę. Jakiś sukinkot repostował sobie zdjęcie z tego artykułu i chociaż zalinkował, to zbiera lajki na tumblrze on a nie Ty 🙁http://delta-breezes.tumblr… proszę, zrób z tym co uważasz

    • What should I eat for breakfas Reply

      Dziękuję bardzo z info, to sie niestety zdarza cały czas. Ot uroki internetu 🙂

  • It looks so beautiful and delicious! A wonderful combination of flavours.Cheers,Rosa

    • What should I eat for breakfas Reply

      Thank you so much Rosa <3

  • Amy Tong Reply

    Oh my! I would definitely love to have this amazing sandwich for breakfast, or any time of the day! Your pictures are amazing. So beautiful and truly captured the mood. Thank you so much for sharing. 🙂 And I love The Beatles too, maybe not as crazy, but absolutely a fan.

    • What should I eat for breakfas Reply

      Thank you so much for this lovely comment <3

  • Zielenina Reply

    ja tak uparcie słuchałam depeszów 🙂 Teraz na tapecie od lat jazz, a to już każdego może wykończyć 😉 Piękne zdjęcia!

    • What should I eat for breakfas Reply

      będzie ich koncert w Berlinie niedługo 😀

      • Zielenina Reply

        w Warszawie też, ale ja chyba już wyrosłam z tych stadionowych spędów na 50 tys. ludzi 🙂

  • Heather Reply

    A beautiful sandwich indeed!

    • What should I eat for breakfas Reply

      Thank you 🙂

  • Angie@Angie's Recipes Reply

    my husband is a HUGE fan of Beatles and has all the collections..actually I wonder who doesn’t love them?
    You have made the simple sandwich so tempting and stunning, Marta. And gorgeous photography as always. Where did you get those rustic dark grey plates and bowls? I guess those the handmade ones…

    • What should I eat for breakfas Reply

      I actually met one girl who had no idea who The Beatles are. That was somehow shocking for me. I started to sing all the popular songs and nothing. So it does happen 😀

  • PatisserieMakesPerfect Reply

    Those plates and bowls are to die for and then the food you’ve put on them is a whole other level :-)I absolutely love this Marta! So, so delicious.

    • What should I eat for breakfas Reply

      Thank you so much! It was a delicious sandwich 😀

  • Tori Cooper Reply

    Wow, Marta! This sandwich really does look like perfection and your photos are as stunning as ever!

    • What should I eat for breakfas Reply

      Thank you so much!

  • Tandy Sinclair Reply

    the compote sounds divine! Glad you took some time out to go and visit with friends and family 🙂

    • What should I eat for breakfas Reply

      I truly needed it, such a great time 🙂

  • kitchenriffs Reply

    Gosh, I haven’t heard that Joe Cocker song in ages. Now, of course, I can’t get it out of my head. 🙂 I’ll just have to make this terrific looking sandwich to distract myself!

    • What should I eat for breakfas Reply

      hahaha, I know! I started to think of him and now I listen to all his albums, I just couldn’t hep it.

  • Ruth Miranda Reply

    OMG!!!! You said cassettes!!! I had so many cassettes in my youth, I thought no one remembered them! This post put a smile on my face, my mom is a huge Beatles fan, so I di go through a slight phase of listening to her Abbey Road album on repeat. Very slight, may I say, because the sixties were never quite my thing, nor the seventies. She had a few treasures from the fifties, vynils that to me are a treasure, like Johnny Halliday, Les Chats Sauvages, Sylvie Vartan, France Gall, Rickie Nelson… those shaped my rockabilly days, back in my youth. But what drove my parents mad, what really must have made them want me to leave the house, that was my love for heavy metal. I would play my records loud, but the worse must have been that I would sing to those records!! I still do, when I’m home alone, I play Iron Maiden and I sing out loud, I play Cradle of Filth and I scream out loud, and it is awful, but it’s even worse when I play Helloween and King Diamond, it must make my neighbours laugh quite hard!! I’m the worst singer. And music has such an importance to me, in my daily life. I almost always have music playing when I’m writing, because it helps set the mood on my novels, on my narrative, it inspires me and guides my words. I used to sit not with a dictionary but stopping the needle on the record every other line so I could right down the lyrics. A few years ago I discovered a note book with a few lyrics from my fave songs during the early eighties and reading them was such a fun moment!! So many worng lyrics, and so many songs that I still sing like that, despite knowing it’s wrong. Oh how I loved reading this post, as it brought memories and recognition to me!
    ps: I thought you were spanish!!

    • What should I eat for breakfas Reply

      This is such an awesome comment! Thank you! I still have few cassettes and an equipment to play them on. I just never use it 😀 Maybe it will be popular when my kid is a teenager 😀 And the heavy metal experience – I love it 😀

      • Ruth Miranda Reply

        😉 I bet you wouldn’t love it if you were my neighbour ahahahah!!

        • What should I eat for breakfas Reply

          hahahahaha, most probably you’re right 😀

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