Yogurt Swirled with Peanut But...

Yogurt Swirled with Peanut Butter, Honey, and Graham Crackers

Let’s have a peanut butter for breakfast! Heat it a little bit in a microwave or in a small pot

yogurt swirled with peanut butter, honey and graham crackersyogurt swirled with peanut butter, honey and graham crackers

Let’s have a peanut butter for breakfast! Heat it a little bit in a microwave or in a small pot and mix with yogurt, honey and graham crackers. 

It’s not only tasty but also full of protein and calcium.

Enjoy, Marta

yogurt swirled with peanut butter, honey and graham crackersyogurt swirled with peanut butter, honey and graham crackers

Source: The kitchn

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