Bullys Bakery is just around the corner, but my path led around Neukoln so unfortunately, that…
keep readingBullys Bakery to kawiarnia tuż za rogiem, jednak moje ścieżki po okolicy prowadziły tak niefortunnie,…
keep readingI am currently in search for an apartment in Berlin and I have to admit…
keep readingI’m already back in Berlin, after two memorable weddings, being a fake tourist in Amsterdam,…
keep readingOver the past few days, I’ve been playing in a game called “I’m a tourist…
keep readingI’m getting very excited, as the next two weeks will be all about weddings (I’ll…
keep readingYesterday we had such a strong storm over here, that rain created a wall of…
keep readingWczoraj rozpętała się tak silna burza, że deszcz stworzył ścianę, zaś pioruny robiły za lampę…
keep readingNot many people know that I used to live in Las Vegas for a while.…
keep readingI know that there’s a season for strawberries and you’ve already seen like 100s of…
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